parshat Vayera
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Whenever someone as great as Avraham makes a decision to move, even if still within the Land, and the Torah decides to write about it, commentators (and hopefully we too) will want to know why he did so.
The Binding of Isaac
Why did God need to “test” Abraham, given that He knows the human heart better than we know it ourselves? -
Our father Abraham
Our father Abraham experiences the revelation of the Lord when he is sitting alone at the opening of his tent. However, we readily can see that the Torah is describing for us the permanent and regular state of being of our Father figure. -
We Walk Together
The centerpiece of Vayera is the Akeida, the last & arguably the most difficult of Avraham’s 10 tests. But Avraham is not the only hero of this story. Yitzchak - no mere “lad” at age 37 - also submits to Hashem’s will. -
The Path of Avraham Avinu
Avraham's behavior teaches us us that we need not fear going even to undesirable places, where the spiritual situation is not ideal - as long as we have the goal of rectifying that which needs to be fixed. -
The Path of Avraham Avinu
A Shiur by Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed for the weekly Torah reading of "Vayera". -
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